The All-on-4®️ is a revolutionary procedure that replaces your failing or missing teeth with a natural and permanent smile within 24 hours!
With the advancement of dental implants, techniques have developed to bring back a whole new set of teeth with the placement of just 4 to 6 dental implants in most cases. It may be possible to place the implants and have a new set of teeth the same day.
It will offer you the comfort and confidence that is likely missing with your removable dentures and also help to preserve bone in your jaw, which will help keep you smiling for years to come.
This revolutionary procedure allows our surgeons to replace all your upper or lower teeth with 4 strategically placed dental implants, which will hold your temporary new set of teeth that same day. Once your dental implants heal, your final smile will be permanently attached to the dental implants so you don’t need to worry about your teeth falling out while you eat or speak.
Full arch restoration will provide you with a brand new set of teeth that look and work like healthy, natural teeth.
Our board certified surgeons are ready to show you how the “All-on-4” procedure can help transform your smile and your life.